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The Olkhon Gates Strait

The Maloe Sea is a water area between the coast of the Baikal and the Olkhon Island; its total area is over 1000 square kilometers. It is the largest water surface area of the Sacred Sea. The two major bays – Chivyrkuiskyi and Barguzinskyi – make up the square equal to the space the Maloe Sea acquires.
Жанр материала: English | Автор(ы): Karnyshev A.D. | Дата публикации оригинала (хрестоматии): 2011 | Дата публикации: среда, 14 августа, 2013 - 17:08 | Дата последней редакции в Иркипедии: 30 марта 2015

The Many Faces of Multilingual and Mysterious Baikal // A.D.Karnyshev (2011)

You feel completely happy when you live or stay at Lake Baikal. It is blessing to feel its charm, His influence not only on your health, but how it brings into your inner world something holy and reverent. It is a great joy to perceive the Baikal, and to realize that it enriches your ability to understand other people; awakens harmony with Nature in your soul; teaches you to take care of Nature, sympathize, and live in charity.
Жанр материала: Книга | Автор(ы): Karnyshev A.D. | Дата публикации оригинала (хрестоматии): 2011 | Дата публикации: четверг, 5 сентября, 2013 - 10:49 | Дата последней редакции в Иркипедии: 29 марта 2015

Sarma (wind)

Not far from the Mukhur Bay there flows the Sarma River with quick-flowing and extremely pure water. First of all the Sarma is known for its wind that blows from its valley like a wild boar sweeping off everything on its way. Fishermen and sailors fear this wind very much. In the delta of the Sarma one can see unique Baikal creatures, such as the Mongolian toad, the sandpiper – a long-fingered stint.
Жанр материала: English | Автор(ы): Karnyshev A.D. | Дата публикации оригинала (хрестоматии): 2011 | Дата публикации: среда, 14 августа, 2013 - 17:13 | Дата последней редакции в Иркипедии: 30 марта 2015