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Найдено результатов: 3

Poetry and prose of lake Baikal

Today I am glad to notice that many writers and poets help to form compassionate and humane attitude toward nature by their creative activity, they contribute to the development of people’s interest and love for Baikal and its nature. On the other hand, literature sometimes tends to emphasize the eternal conflict between Nature and Man, showing with the help of literary means that it is on the side of a man. J.
Жанр материала: English | Автор(ы): Karnyshev A.D. | Дата публикации оригинала (хрестоматии): 2011 | Дата публикации: понедельник, 9 сентября, 2013 - 16:07 | Дата последней редакции в Иркипедии: 30 марта 2015

The Many Faces of Multilingual and Mysterious Baikal // A.D.Karnyshev (2011)

You feel completely happy when you live or stay at Lake Baikal. It is blessing to feel its charm, His influence not only on your health, but how it brings into your inner world something holy and reverent. It is a great joy to perceive the Baikal, and to realize that it enriches your ability to understand other people; awakens harmony with Nature in your soul; teaches you to take care of Nature, sympathize, and live in charity.
Жанр материала: Книга | Автор(ы): Karnyshev A.D. | Дата публикации оригинала (хрестоматии): 2011 | Дата публикации: четверг, 5 сентября, 2013 - 10:49 | Дата последней редакции в Иркипедии: 29 марта 2015

Americans about Baikal

There is a widespread opinion, that the Americans have seen a lot of different views and delights, and that is why they are indifferent about another’s beauty. But still it does not concern the sacred sea. “Even those of us, who was tired of american ecological evangelism of the last decade, and who had thought, that exaggerations and hyperboles could not surprise them, realized, that, nevertheless, we was seeking for the superlative degree adjectives in our past in an effort to describe Baikal only in a low voice” – wrote Esquire G. Davis.
Жанр материала: English | Автор(ы): Karnyshev A.D. | Дата публикации оригинала (хрестоматии): 2011 | Дата публикации: понедельник, 9 сентября, 2013 - 17:11 | Дата последней редакции в Иркипедии: 30 марта 2015